
It’s Spring!

And though we may not be feeling the warmth of the sun (at least not consistently) or seeing the buds of new flowers, spring rituals are about to begin!

Some families are preparing to celebrate Easter or Passover.  Many of us are planting our gardens and most of us are getting ready for the near universal tradition of the season – Spring Cleaning.

But First…

Don’t just jump right into it! Careful planning can make cleaning more efficient and even enjoyable. So before you clean, organize!

Many of us use terms interchangeably but there is a difference.

What’s the Difference?

Cleaning tends to be more about getting something, well, clean. You use cleaning products. You remove dirt. You make it sanitary.

Organizing is about making everything efficient – decluttering, putting everything in its proper space, maybe labeling.

You can organize without cleaning but you can’t really clean without organizing. A disorganized space is very difficult to clean. If you try to clean a disorganized space without first organizing it, often you will miss important spots and maybe even just move dirt around.

Start Here

  1. Start by sorting. Before you can even organize a space, sort through it. Get what you need into appropriate piles and categories.
  2. Organize!
    • Create a system (or systems)
    • Make it Easy to follow
    • After you’re done…follow it! In other words, make good organization a chronic rather than acute conditions! That will make cleaning easy.
  3. Clean!
    • With your space now clear, cleaning will be easy!
    • Bonus: You may even want to organize a cleaning schedule! If you live with others, assign specific responsibilities to specific people.
      • Martha Stewart has a great suggestion for keeping your cleaning organized. Have a bucket or other container you can easily take from room to room with all your essential cleaning products and implement in it – paper towels, bleach, etc.
      • If space permits, it might be nice to have specific cleaning products duplicated and kept close to all the areas that need the most cleaning. Preplanning like this makes spring cleaning less of a chore because cleaning is done all year!

Measure Twice, Cut Once

The old maxim above is all about preparation. Sometime preparation can seem like a lot of extra work for no payout but the truth is the time you save by doing it right the first time more than makes up for the time you spent coming up with a plan.

And if you need help, you know who to call.

We love it when a good plan comes together!


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